FAB - traduzione in Inglese
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FAB - traduzione in Inglese

FAB; Fab (disambiguation); Fab (song)

FOB, free on board, term which indicates that the seller will pay transportation costs to a specified point and from that point onward the purchaser is responsible
les Beattles      
The Beatles, legendary British band that was active from the early 1960's to 1970, the original British "fab 4" (made up of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Star)


If you say that something is fab, you are emphasizing that you think it is very good. (INFORMAL)
The dancing is fab.
= great
ADJ [emphasis]



Fab or FAB may refer to:

Esempi di pronuncia per FAB
1. - You're B-FAB. - What's a B-FAB?
Step Up 3 (2010)
2. the Fab Four.
Dwyane Wade, David Beckham, Kristi Yamaguchi and More _ Athletes' Talks at Google
3. This is fab.
The Art of Wellbeing & Yoga _ Shilpa Shetty Kundra _ Talks at Google
4. the fab four.
Body Love Every Day _ Celebrity Health Coach Kelly LeVeque _ Talks at Google
5. as the Fab Five.
In the Pleasure Groove - Love, Death and Duran Duran _ John Taylor _ Talks at Google
Esempi dal corpus di testo per FAB
1. Le président de la Fédération algérienne de boxe (FAB) M.
2. Avec «Across the Universe», Julie Taymor ose un «musical» basé sur les chansons des Fab Four.
3. Le cinqui';me Fab Four, George Martin, trafique les bandes originales dans un album fou.
4. Dans lintervalle, la FAB doit trouver un autre sparring–partner pour suppléer ŕ lItalie qui fait défaut ŕ une compétition face aux Algériens le 13 octobre.
5. Le S.G de la FAB a tenu ŕ féliciter les boxeurs algériens pour leur "brillante prestation". Sur les 11 pugilistes engagés, neuf ont accédé au podium.